Birth Doula Care

 Doula: tour guide to labor land, wise friend and trusted ally, hip-squeezer, calm space creator, advocate, sister with all the right skills

Throughout history, birthing people all over the world have been supported during childbirth by their community. A person going through labor and birth could depend on these other wise community members for encouragement, back rubs, advice, and emotional support. The role of doulas now is based on this ancient tradition of support and care. 

As your doula I am here for you. From the moment we begin working together, you can rely on me to answer questions, ease worry, listen deeply, cheer you on, and reflect back all the strength and wisdom you have within. I believe in you, I trust your intuition, and I am in your corner!


I offer my doula care on a sliding scale based on income to expand access to more families. I use the San Francisco Area Median Income (AMI) chart to help families determine which price tier they fall in. Using the chart, find your income in relation to the current number of household members and that will determine the percentage of the AMI for your family.

Birth Doula Fee:
under 80% AMI - $2200
80%-140% AMI - $2600
above 140% AMI - $3000

I believe all birthing people should have support and also know it it not something everyone can afford. If you are experiencing financial hardship or other extenuating circumstances, please reach out to discuss options.

Ideal Clients 

My ideal clients are families who believe in equity and walk in the world with humility and gratitude. They are answering the call to preparation, curious towards the unknown, and actively seeking community as they journey through this big life transition. They believe that birth matters and are moving towards this powerful rite of passage with intentionality, wonder and openness. 

Service Area

I support families living and birthing in San Francisco and as far south as Pacifica.

If you are a repeat client that has moved out of the city, please reach out as I may extend my travel area to offer support

Birth Doula Care Includes:

  • A free consultation to get to know one another, discuss how I can best support you, answer questions, and see if working together feels like a good fit

  • Resource binder full of helpful info and articles on preparing for birth, newborn care and breastfeeding

  • 3 prenatal visits to: build relationship and trust, discuss your options, priorities and hopes for the birth process, build your coping tool kit, review positions, movement and touch for labor, review logistics around the day of labor, and prepare the mind and body for birth and postpartum

  • Phone, text and email support throughout your pregnancy and postpartum time

  • Continuous labor and birth support

  • Photos/video of your birth and new family postpartum. I am learning photography and am happy to include an edited gallery of images that capture the beauty and power of your birth journey and the precious first moments with your baby!

  • Postpartum home visit to see how your new family is doing, process the birth together, and answer questions/share tips about healing, newborn care, and breastfeeding


What doulas do

Doulas are expert tour guides through the landscape of birth.

We are experienced in providing tried and true comfort measures specific to labor. These include suggestions for changing positions, vocalization, rhythmic movement, guided relaxation and visualization, massage and aromatherapy. A doula also helps families gather important information before and during labor so they are completely informed about all their options, can advocate for their wishes and feel confident about their decisions.  

Potentially the most valuable thing a doula offers is continuous emotional support. This comes in the form of verbal encouragement and reassurance, a constant physical presence, and full trust in your power and ability to birth.

I knew she was there and she just melted into the action, whispering in my ear, reminding me at every turn how strong I was and simply that I could do it.
— A new mother, speaking of her doula

What the research says

  • 31% decrease in the use of Pitocin*

  • 28% decrease in the risk of Cesarean*

  • 12% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth*

  • 9% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief

  • 14% decrease in the risk of newborns being admitted to a special care nursery

  • 34% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience*

Click here for the full article on Evidence for Doulas


Supporting partners

The birthing parent's partner always plays the most important role in loving and caring for them through the labor and birth journey. As a doula, I will be there to help support the partner through the birth journey, modeling specific comfort measures, offering reassurance and a teammate in the big role of labor companion. Birth can be a very intimate event and I know when to step back and give a laboring couple privacy. 

Some partners may feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable with such a central role, and that is okay as well. Many partners I have worked with reflect that the presence of a doula, allowed them to show up more fully through the process, knowing there was always someone there to lean on. 

Many families have a whole birthing team, including friends, mother, sister, grandmother, father, etc. Whoever you want as part of your birth team will be honored and welcomed. We will all work together to ensure that you feel joyful and well supported through your journey. 

If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use one.
— John H. Kennell, MD